Coming Soon

Sam Heads Home
Written by Alice Moran
Directed by John Carroll Lynch
After a fight with her partner Sam calls her Dad, Jim, to see if it would be OK to come home for a while. This is a request that would normally elate Jim, but something in his daughter's voice results in him flying to Detroit to make the 3000 km drive back to Edmonton with her. When he arrives, he finds his daughter with a black eye and broken arm. Rather than talk about it, Sam and Jim do what they do best-- ignore, avoid, deny and tell jokes. Sam Heads Home is an edgy, road trip comedy that paints a bittersweet portrait of fathers and daughters and the distances between them.

Us In 9 Months
Written by Dave Deveau & Nicholas Carella
Directed by Michelle Ouellet
Simon and Ethan desperately want to be parents, but when the adoption process proves too difficult and lengthy for Simon's liking, he convinces Ethan to revisit their original and much more complicated surrogacy plan. Ethan agrees and with Simon's best friend Dayna agreeing to donate her eggs and Ethan's sister-in-law Audrey agreeing to carry the pregnancy, the four-way-baby-plan is in motion. However, once Audrey becomes pregnant, the men are suddenly met with the unforeseen pressures that come along with parenthood and quickly realize that becoming fathers will test the limits of their relationship.

Written by Pat Thornton & Eric Toth
When Brian Bithers gets kicked out of a professional umpire training academy for sticking to his unconventional philosophy that the “umpire IS the show”, he moves to the town of Beakersfield, with machinations of becoming their little league’s most entertaining, volunteer ump. Brian’s life changes when he meets Laurie after inadvertently stepping into a family conflict during a game involving her son Dylan and her ex-husband and team manager, Rex. Lured by an opportunity to showcase his skills for a real big league ump and perhaps find himself in the majors some day, Brian finds himself embroiled in the competitiveness and corruption of children's house league sports.
Double Lines
Written by Larissa Primeau
Jen is the 43-year-old co-host of Top 40 radio show and she is getting sick of the bad jokes, her sexist co-hosts and her milktoast husband, sending her into full midlife crisis mode as she engages in an emotional affair with her high school ex and is contemplating a brand new start. So when she and her overachieving 17 year old daughter, Zoe, discover that they are accidentally pregnant at the same time, they make an abortion pact and hatch a plan to end their respective pregnancies in secret.